
hello friends my name is jaclyn rae edmonson and i am a college student at middle tennessee university. i am an aspiring documentarian (a word i made up). i have a curiosity about people, their stories, religion, and culture. i hope to someday travel the world and document what i see and learn. 

i was born in overland park, kansas and moved to franklin, tennessee in second grade. i feel like tennessee is my home though since i've spent most of my years here. i am in love with franklin and hope to raise my kids on a farm there someday. that is after i spend a few years living in nashville after i graduate. 

as you can tell i dream very specifically and try to plan out my life as much as possible. as much as i dream and believe that my plans will fall into place i am completely open to God radically changing them. i know he knows the desires of my heart and he knows whats best for me so i completely trust in him. every morning i set my life before him and i strive daily to lose myself to find him.
"whoever finds his life will lose it, and whoever loses his life for my sake will find it." - matthew 10:39

what do i do with my life? i go to school, i am a younglife leader at blackman high school, i play soccer intermurals, i write for fun, dabble with the piano, blog, and spend time with my lovely family and friends.

   “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” - john 16:33