daily devo

today is a day for thanksgiving and worship. everyday is no matter what season you are in. because there is always good to bad and a reason for a season. count your blessings today, literally. list them aloud or write them down. "Give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you" - 1 Thessalonians 5:18
these are a few things that i have been thankful for in the past couple days:
my family
my friends
my dog 
the inventions of roll down windows in cars
and good health.

we all know the dry feeling, where you feel like nothing substantial is happening in your life. my past week wasn't bad by any means but there was just nothing to it. i asked God a few times to cure my dry spell and then i sat and waited (i'm learning this whole patience things). i arrived at church yesterday morning eager to start worship and fully expecting to be filled again. before worship began i asked the Lord to overwhelm me, which is something i don't think i have ever asked him before. as the guitar picks up and the drummer begins to beat, a sense of the almighty God falls upon me. the song "the more i seek you" is being played. read these lyrics and then laugh at Gods humor. 

The more i seek you,
the more i find you.
The more i find you,
the more I love you

I wanna sit at your feet
drink from the cup in your hand.
Lay back against you and breath,
hear your heart beat

This love is so deep,
it's more than I can stand.
I melt in your peace, it's overwhelming
He is so good, and he hears everything, more than we even want him to hear. but what a sweet gift that is to us, to be heard out.
"In the morning, O Lord, you hear my voice; in the morning i lay my requests before you and wait in expectation." Psalm 5:3
"In my anguish I cried to the Lord, and he answered by setting me free." Psalm 118:5

have you ever found yourself praying to God and you get that feeling that your talking to yourself? that's how my week has been and it has made me feel so off lately. this morning i was sick of it, and just decided to be honest and confront God about it. so i got on my knees in front of the creator of the universe and questioned him. "why do i feel like i have been talking to myself all week", "i want to hear you", "i want to see you today". something i have learned is that he likes our honesty and wants us to question him if we are confused or in need. he knows we are not perfect and he waits on us to simply go to him and ask because he is dying to answer our questions. after my venting session with God i stood up and proceeded to continue my day. finally i finish my classes and am riding my bike home when a cool breeze hits me. and then words pop into my head (God usually speaks to me through random words popping in my head that can't be traced back in a train of thought) "i got you". that was it ha, and i just couldn't help but laugh. even when we don't feel or see him we have to trust that he is there. he is right in front of us when we kneel to pray and he is walking beside us as we head to work or school. the more we continue to seek his voice, the louder his voice will be heard. so seek him with me this week.

welcome to my, not-so-daily, daily devotional page. sometimes i just want to share with people what God is teaching me and what i am learning on my walk of life. so feel free to stop by if you're ever having bible block and maybe i can help you out. and i would love to see what Gods teaching you, so let me know!

1 comment:

  1. God is always looking for an honest and open discussion with us. It doesn't matter if it's a frustrated rant, sad conversation, fearful plea, silly chat, grateful prayer or desperate cry for help. God just wants it to be real. His answers are always on time and delivered in a manner that lets you know the creator of all things has spoken.

    I remember a day when I was sitting on a bench in Maine looking at a lighthouse on a not-so-distant island. The sky was a vivid light blue, the lighthouse and caretakers cabin were both white and vivid red. The grass on the island was a lush green that sat on top of a rocky shore that abruptly met a deep blue churning sea with white capped waves.

    It was a chilly day, but I remember being comfortably warm as the sun was brightly overhead. I was overwhelmed by the visual of the lighthouse combined with the chilly, yet warm weather conditions. Just as I began to think about the bigness of God, He clearly spoke with a simple "Thank you for noticing".

    God knows how to love us and touch the deepest part of who we are. What I discovered that day is that we can touch His heart as well.
